Christian Homeschool Mom

Homeschool moms encouragement

Current situations in the world have more and more people thinking about homeschooling their children. Which means there are more and more people feeling stressed and overwhelmed…. right?

For many moms, homeschooling is following and trusting a calling from God to teach their children at home. 

For others, homeschooling is the answer to a situation, event or circumstance that finds the schooling their children at home through unconventional ways. 

Whether you are newly considering to homeschooling your children or school them at home through a local school, we want to encourage you in your journey with Christian homeschool tips and ideas.  We want to help you see joy in the Lord as you learn more about Him and dance with you in thanking Him for the amazing opportunity. 

Christian homeschool tips about what matters most

Teach your children God’s Word and have not only a Christian homeschool, but a family centered in the Word.

The homeschool community now has many new families adding to its numbers through families finding themselves schooling at home. Oh, you will probably get plenty of arguments that “choosing to school at home is not homeschooling!” 

The argument has a valid point, but there doesn’t have to be such a harsh line. 

Everyone has an opinion about homeschooling

Though this article mostly speaks to the family choosing to homeschool, the intent can still be applied to a family who charter schools, online school, public or private schools, remote schools or a mix of any school choices. 

The choices are many and yours to make. As a matter of fact, the confusion comes in not knowing which is best for your children. That is where you must pray and seek the Lord’s guidance. If the thought of homeschooling brings up anxieties, tell HIm your fears, cares and insecurities in teaching your children at home. 

Then remember who He is….. God Almighty. All knowing. Provider. 

The saying, “God will open the door” can be misleading. Yes, God can open a door, but sometimes He also opens 3 at one time! Right? 

So which choice is the right one? Which door is the right door to choose? 

The right door is the one you trust Him to walk through! 

Whether you are homeschooling, schooling at home or you are doing the remote on site schools is not the true issue to argue. Who makes the lesson plans and who presents the lessons are just minor in comparison to knowing God. Where you receive your learning or education is not really the most important aspect or decision for your children. 

Make your home a Christian homeschool…. a place where the Bible is taught. 

Christian mom and child homeschooling

The most important choice to make is to raise children in the Lord.

In any schooling decision, make your home a Christian homeschool!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.
6 “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart.
7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

It really would make a difference to the world if kids knew the Word. 

This post was originally written for homeschoolers, but now the world has brought a new definition to “home-school.”

We are huge fans and encouragers of Christian homeschooling and know how it changed our lives and our families. But we also know that not everyone has the opportunity to homeschool in the traditional sense. 

Teaching your child Math, Science and other subjects can be accomplished in many ways such as tutorials, co-ops, school settings, and online. Though we both taught are children in a homeschool setting, we also incorporated and facilitated outside help at times. Either way, if you are the instructor or facilitator you are still the parent and the teacher to show them how to live their life in the Lord. 

You have God’s Word to guide you! 

The Bible is the best textbook, teacher and instruction you could ever receive.

Now….. about those choses in schooling your children. 

Any school choice you make about school should can and should incorporate your children in the knowledge of God’s Word and who He is. That makes your home a Christian homeschool. Your home is a place where knowledge is taught about the Lord. 


• Public and Private School

Morning routines, carpool lines, and in the evenings are some of the times you can intentionally teach your public and private children God’s Word. 

• Remote School

If you are remote schooling, add in some Bible time to help your children learn in a new way. With their new found Zoom and Google Classroom skills, they can begin a group Bible study together. 

• Homeschool

Christian homeschoolers already know there are amazing Bible curriculum and subjects incorporating a Biblical perspective. But you can still add in some intentional solid Bible time together!

Homeschool tips and ideas feeling overwhelmed

Benefits to a Christian Homeschool

Homeschool is so much more than just Math, English and Science. A Christian homeschool opens up normal school subjects, information, and life to a new perspective.

• Homeschoolers can learn about the creation and get to know the Creator of it all! 

• A homeschooler can talk about their faith and where God was in History, Science and Art. 

• Homeschoolers can talk about where God is working in their life. 

• And most importantly, homeschoolers can study and learn God’s Word! 

A Christian homeschool helps a child know their identity. They learn who God is, who they are in Him and their purpose. 

Christian homeschool mom and child reading

Christian Homeschooling

Christian homeschoolers have the ability to see God’s presence throughout History, His fingerprints in all of creation, and how He has gifted people through the Arts and Sciences. You can see the world from the eyes of the Creator and be amazed by all the details He made. 

He is the One who designed it. Studying His creation and all its wonders gives us more insight into how amazing God is and how incredible are His works. The Bible shows us so much about nature, the world and many of the things in it. We have a Days of Creation printables in our Bible Art Membership to give you a jumping point to begin studying. Days of Creation resource gide

All of our Christian homeschool tips and ideas are based in the Word of God. We find creative ways to place Bible verses in the hearts and minds of children.

Whether it is Bible verse memorization, copy work, coloring pages, our courses or encouragement, we want to help others forget not the Lord.

Bible story timeline printable
ConvertKit Form

Christian Homeschool Moms

If you are new to homeschooling, congrats on your decision to teach at home. We hope you will take a moment to read our 5 Important tips a Christian homeschool mom needs to KNOW to help you focus on what matters most!

5 important tips a homeschool mom needs to know

As a veteran homeschooler, you may be searching for some new Christian homeschool tips and ideas to add into your routine. 

Whether you or new or old to homeschool, we all discover that our rolls as parents and teachers blend together. School never stops just because the math lesson is done!

Truthfully, if you have a child, you’re already a homeschool parent. 

How do I know if I am capable of homeschooling my children? 

Homeschool can be grocery shopping, a visit with an elderly friend, raising animals, making dinner and so much more! Teaching opportunities are everywhere. 

When you doubt your ability to homeschool, just remember that God entrusted you with the precious child or children to raise. He will provide what’s necessary

Who better than you to help your child learn? 

As a parent, you began homeschooling before they were out of the womb. Every touch and the sound of your voice was a learning experience to your child. 

If you are an adoptive parent, you taught your precious child what it means to be chosen, wanted and to be included. 

Parents teach kids the words “yes, no, mommy, daddy, hungry, and I love you.”

You helped them smile, crawl and walk. Most likely, you’ve taught your child how to tie a shoe, ride a bike, and how to interact with people around them. 

Who but you taught them the dangers around them and how they should behave or deal with situations? 

It doesn’t take you long to discover how they learn or process the information they are exposed to and how they handle it. 

God will provide!

It can be terrifying to school your child. Being responsible for their education and not messing them up for life can be daunting. It is similar to the same feelings you had when you discovered you were about to be a parent. 

First it is exciting!

Then it can also be a mystery. “What in the world was I thinking?”

But just like you learned how to be a parent along the way, you will learn how to school your children! Yes, there will be days that you doubt your ability, struggle with a lesson and feel the need to hide in the closet with a carton of ice cream and hope the night time comes soon. Or maybe that was just us. 

But the good days far outnumber the bad when you remember why you are homeschooling and what matters most… your child in the Lord. 

How does your child learn?

● Do you have to tell a child something for them to learn it best, or do you show them? 

● How does you child like to discover things in the world on their own or when you read to them? 

● Does your child get overwhelmed or overstimulated easily? 

You know your children best!

If you have more than one child, chances are they have different learning styles. 

Homeschooling does not come with a one size fits all approach

Each one of us are fearfully and wonderfully made unique individuals. We have different:

• Personalities

• Abilities

• Ways we process information

• Learning styles.

You do not learn exactly the same as your parents, spouse or even your children. 

Homeschooling allows a parent the ability to teach to each child’s learning style and challenge the areas where they are weaker in learning. 

With that said, homeschooling also provides the opportunity for a family to all learn together. Just because you don’t have the same learning styles does not mean you have to learn separately. 

You just have to find how and what information to present for learning. Rather than just purchasing the most known or bought curriculum, ask someone that recommends it how their children learn? If it is a heavy life book reading program and your child is not a fast reader or struggles reading, they will not excel in that program.

If your child needs more structure they might not do as well in a “move at your own pace” curriculum. 

Some kids need a planned lesson or checklist to accomplish their lesson plans and others find their groove of how and when they “get stuff done”. 

One of our favorite ways to incorporate all learning styles is to get out of the house! Hit road. Load up the van and find something to see, do and learn. We call this Van-School, but you can call it field trips!

All inclusive Christian homeschool

Learning together brings new perspectives! All Inclusive Homeschool.

We mentioned how we all learn differently, but that does not mean that we can’t all learn together. It does mean providing each learning style the things they need to excel and thrive in their learning while also challenging them in their weaker learning styles. 


What is the Best Christian Homeschool Curriculum?

What is the best for your family? 

The one that works.

Sorry, wished we could be more helpful there. We could give you a list of our favorites that worked for our families, but even that list may not work for you. Other people will give you their recommendations, but those still may not work for your family.

Know your child’s individual learning style. Then know your own learning style. 

Many families try homeschooling, but feel like they have failed because it was such a battle. Most of the battles are trying to use a curriculum that does not feed your learning styles. Or it is trying to do “school” the same way public school operates or comparing your schooling to someone else. 

• Know the Lord. 

• Get to knowing yourself.

• Learn your children. 

• Trust God for what works for your family


Read reviews of other users and take into mind what the basic workings of each curriculum, program or system is. 

But what we can recommend as the best book to read and use everyday with your family…. the Bible, God’s Word. Everytime you pick it up, you will discover something new! 

If you are not sure where to begin, we have a Bible study for beginners post to get you started. We have included our favorite tools to help with Bible study. 

Tips and ideas to help your Christian homeschool. 

     ● Find an accountability partner to help you stay on track. 

     ● Just like the Children of Israel, you need a “tribe” of homeschoolers to do some group activities and interact with some days. 

     ● Other people can teach subject areas that are not your strength. 

     ● Look for ways to help your child take ownership of their own learning!

     ● Find what works best in learning for your family and don’t compare yourself to someone else. 


Our goal is to continuously share tips and ideas from our experiences as homeschool moms. We teach homeschool Art classes each week at a tutorial and in our studio.

This keeps us not only applying what we have learned, but constantly learning with other homeschoolers. 

Help for Homeschool Struggles:

● Tips to Create an All Inclusive Homeschool

How to make your homeschool lessons come alive for the entire family. 

● 5 Beginner Tips for a Successful Christian Homeschool- 

We share 5 of our best tips to help you thrive in your homeschool because sometimes this journey gets tough!

Homeschool Bible Memorization  and Printables

Set up a Bible Memory Verse Station in your home. Make a place in your home that is accessible for your family to learn, study and interact with God’s Word. Create a focus area and routine in your home to show your family that God is the focus. We share ideas in our Bible Memory Verse Station post. 

If a full Bible memory verse station is not possible, one of our favorite ways to help kids in Bible memorization is with a simple binder. Bible memory verse memorization binders can be set up with printables, a binder and a few minutes a day together. 

We share other tips and ideas for your homeschool’s Bible memorization that have worked for us through the years. 

Bible Memory Verse Printables

Learn more about our Bible Memory Verse Bundles found in our ReMEMBERers. Each themed bundles contains 4-6 Bible memory verse. Each bundle includes over 120 Bible verse printables, worksheets, activities and art lessons for kids of all ages. 

Bible Verse Coloring Books

Visit our resource page for these and more Bible verse dot markers, coloring and activity books available on Amazon! We have something for all ages to memorize Scripture.

Free Christian homeschool printables

Throughout our homeschool blog posts, you can find free printables to help you in your Christian homeschool journey. Make sure you visit our Freebie Library for the full collection of printables. You can sign up below to receive access and print all that you want. 

Floral Bible Verse Coloring Printables- 

We love God’s Word, flowers and sharing our coloring pages with others.  


Homeschool Organization Lesson Plan Printable-

Ways to keep your books, activities and supplies organized with your theme of study. Free printable! You can organize what to study, then collect your books, movies, things to do and so much more. 


 52 Back to School Bible Verses for Kids-

Arm your children with God’s Word in the carpool line, your homeschool or daily routines. 

52 Back to School Bible Verses

Forget Him Knot Freebie Library

Freebie Library/

Visit our Freebie Library for Bible verse coloring page, worksheets and printables to help you forget not the Lord!

 A password email will arrive soon!

How to begin Homeschooling

There are some really great articles and blogs to help you homeschool. We know why we began homeschooling our children, but we also understand there are many reasons that lead a parent to teach their children at home.  

Every state has their own set of rules and policies for home education. We recommend checking with your state’s education requirements and also with the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) who give clarity to those rules. They also have listings by state and counties for homeschool cover schools. 

Hope in the Chaos has a great beginners guide to understanding homeschool and where to begin. 

Sometimes your homeschool plans and God’s plans become an adventure…. at least not what you thought. Life Abundantly shares what happens when God changes your homeschool plans. 

Christian Bible study resources

Free Bible Study Series

In our How to Study the Bible we have resources and printables to help you and your kids dig deeper into God’s Word. You will also find free Bible studies. 

Homeschool Art and Creativity

Visit our Youtube channel for art lessons and projects to do with your children. 

We are working on adding new projects each week. 

Homeschool Art and Creativity Ideas is where we like to give you books, projects and ideas to find your creative inner child!

Video shot of Remembering Who God Is Art lesson

Image of the Creator

We are firm believers that creative play and the ability to discover your creativity is important. 

God is the Creator. He is creative. We were made in His image and part of that beautiful gift is each person has the ability to be creative. You just have to discover where your creativity thrives. 

Children need to have imaginations and the freedom to be creative. In truth, adults need it too! As parents, sometimes we forget the need to rest, play, think and find a creative way of expressing ourselves. It can actually be therapy to our bodies. 

We can learn so much about the world and school subjects when we step away from textbooks and locking ourselves in a schoolroom and just getting outside exploring nature. 

The Arts are missing in schools. Don’t let them be missing in your homes too. 

By the Arts, such as art, music, writing, dancing, drama etc, we are also including baking, cooking, sewing, sculpting, creating, designing, building, inventing, exploring, gardening and so much more. 

You get the idea!

Creativity comes in many different avenues. Creative thinkers are explorers, inventors, creators and problem solvers. 

Discover who God created you to be! Find your creativity and give yourself permission to play!

● How to Creative Your Own Creative Energy Play Day-

Creative Energy Day is our way to inspire creativity in kiddos with toys art supplies and an imagination. We make it a special day and you can too!

Aluminum tape is not just for ductwork or a handyman supply! See what you can create with our Aluminium Tape Art for kids.

Grab the yarn and some glue for a fun family art activity, Yarn Painting.


Homeschool Field trip ideas

Homeschool Field Trips-

Organize your state by field trips and categories with our free printable. We called our homeschooling days, “Van-school”, because some days it seemed like we were always on the road learning. 

Christian Bible Studies and
Homeschool Resources

Take a peek inside our Membership

Become a ReMEMBERer!

We would love to tell you more about becoming a ReMEMBERer.

Access our online Bible studies and resources anytime and anywhere. 

Our desire is sharing God’s Word and love through creative resources for all learning styles. 

Christian mom homeschool ideas

Christian Homeschool Bible Verse Reminders for Kids

Homeschool Ideas for the Holidays

Thankful Printables for homeschoolers

Art For Homeschool

Homeschool Art and Creativity Ideas

Holiday Projects for kids

Thanksgiving Printables-

Bible verse printables, coloring pages and copy work pages for handwriting and Scripture memorization. Just print and create!

Thankful 3-D Pumpkins-

Create a fun pumpkin with the kids to write what they are thankful for during this Thanks-giving season. 

Thankful Table Decor- 

Use our printable templates for inexpensive ways to add thankful Bible verses to your Thanksgiving table decor.

Christmas Art project for kids of all ages

Aluminum Tape Christmas Ornaments 

Favorite Homeschool Resources and Homeschool Blogging Moms

They Call Me Blessed-Encouragement and support is what Ana does for homeschoolers. She offers Hebrew courses too!

Raising Arrows-

Life of a Homeschool Mom Heather is a homeschool mom sharing advice, on marriage, homemaking, parenting and homeschooling. Beautiful printables. 


This post from Trivium Pursuit is wonderful insight into homeschooling needs for kids 10 and under. 

Adventures in NanaLand Jill has great advice and creative ideas for Grandparents from an experienced Grand! She even shows you how to have a Grandma Camp! Sign me up!

Our Journey Westward is packed with adventure!

3 Boys and a Dog Kelli has built a site full of helpful homeschool resources, family activities and printables. 

Crystal and Co Crystal has compiled everything from the “letter of the week” to daily meal plans!

Spectrum Sense for Moms Tiff helps moms make sense of Autism diagnosis.  She offers calming and behavioral resources from a first hand experience for kiddos on the spectrum.  

Autism Mom Life Michelle is passionate for encouraging moms to live life abundantly and experience more joy in special needs parenting. 

Moore Wellness Beth has experience and a heart for helping people in counseling, but in a creative way.  She has words of encouragement and help with self care. 

Homeschool tips and ideas getting started