High-er Maintenance Girl's Bible Study
Whether we are willing to admit it or not…. we are all High Maintenance. We need daily maintenance from a higher power than we possess. A High-er Maintenance in the LORD!
High-er Maintenance is our Bible study for a girl’s guide to reverent beauty. You can find this Bible study in our ReMEMBERers Membership, an online access to Bible studies and resources!
We cannot even begin to pretend that we have this beauty “thang” all together. This Bible study was written to remind ourselves that the earthly body we live in, even as it changes through the years, is not the beauty the LORD sees. To Him, what is in the heart determines beauty.
Every time we look in the mirror we may have to remind ourselves that our reflection is not about us.
As we researched to write this study, we realized that the definition of beauty was a state of mind. It’s subjective. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
How we see ourselves in the mirror is tainted by the fears and insecurities we have believed from the world.
True beauty is a woman who fears the LORD!
We need to change the way we think about ourselves when we look in the mirror and reflect the One who made us…the One who died for us.
High-er Maintenance is divided into 6 sessions that can be used as a Bible study or for a girl’s retreat. Each lesson will walk you through a 7 step beauty treatment for the heart based on Bible verses. The sections of study conclude with a spa activity centered around God’s Word.

What's included in High-er Maintenance

Lesson Text
- Teacher Guide
- Lesson Text
- Prompts for Handouts
-Questions for Discussion
Scripture Handouts
Scripture Handouts with 7 Step Beauty Treatments for the Heart
- Scripture Breakdown Charts
God's Word is Truth
God Tells Me
Who I Am
God Gives Me Strength and Purpose
God Keeps His Promises
To further engage your students, we provide a visual version of the handouts that can be projected or viewed by computer so the students can highlight along with you as you teach. We want you and your students to work through the Word of God and be interactive with it.
Spa Beauty Treatments
- Supply List
- Sample Spa Retreat Session
- Activities:
A look inside High-er Maintenance

Ways you can use
High-er Maintenance...

Homeschool Bible Study
As Homeschool moms, we were always looking for a Bible study that could be used for multiple ages and grades. This lesson is designed for you to have fun spa days revealing reverent beauty! We know the crazy schedule homeschoolers encounter in a "day in the life" so you can do as much of the study at a time as your schedule allows.
Girl's Bible Study
As girl's Bible study teachers we would have a mix of homeschoolers, private school girls and public school girls in one class setting. No matter what they were exposed to during the day, they all had similar inner struggles.
Personal Bible Study
We all have some daily form of a beauty routine...facials, manicures, pedicures, and unless you're running around naked, we all put on clothes. This is how we maintain our bodies. High-er Maintenance is a guide to maintain our hearts. You can work through this study anytime you want to set aside some time for High-er Maintenance.
With so many “noises” in our world screaming what BEAUTY is…where are we really getting our definition?
Our desire is for you to be rooted back into God’s Word and see what He has to say about who you are.
The refelction you see in the mirror should be seen through God’s eyes not your own. You are a refelction of your Heavenly Father…see yourself that way!
Our prayer for you is that High-er Maintenance reminds you that beauty is found in God. May you remember Him as you walk through your daily maintenance routine.
Forget Knot the LORD and all His benefits.

There’s No Place You Can Go That God Is Not There can be found in our ReMEMBERers Membership, an online access to Bible studies, resources and more!